J.A.S Scholarship


Monday-Thursday 8:00AM-4:00PM


Rules And Regulations

1. Scholarship is limited to one recipient for the school year 2024-2025 at Shiloh Christian Academy.

2. Scholarship will cover tuition, all testing, transcripts if needed, all lunch meals, and 72 paces.

3. Scholarship does not cover extra expenses such as registration fees, all uniforms, any paces after 72, lost paces, fundraising, fieldtrips, class parties, student convention fees, sport fees, school supplies and any other special school activities.

4. Scholarship winner will be announced on July 8th, 2024 on school website.

5. Only applications that were submitted by the deadline of June 20th, 2024 will be considered.

6. Applicants must provide two Non-relative written recommendations with contact information (Current S.C.A students are not required to submit recommendations). 

7. Applicants must email a current photo at the time of application to shilohchristianep@gmail.com (Not required for current S.C.A students). 

8. Any applications that are lacking information will not be considered.

9. Applications that are lacking any forms required will not be considered.

10. Only one entry per child is allowed.

11. Applicants must be between 4-16 years of age.

12. Applicants must be a U.S. citizen.

13. Applicants must have a true interest in being part of Shiloh Christian Academy.

14. Recipient must maintain an 88% grade point average.

15. Recipient must not exceed Shiloh Christian Academy allotment of absences and tardies.

16. Recipient must always maintain a good testimony.

17. Recipient must participate in all school activities (fundraisers, fun days, field trips, open house, etc.…).

18. Recipient must follow all the rules and regulations of the SCA student handbook.

If for any reason the recipient does not fulfill any of the requirements, rules or regulations, the scholarship will be revoked, and the recipient will have to pay the remainder of the balance.

Shiloh Christian Academy holds the right to refuse any application for any reason. Shiloh Christian Academy holds the right to cancel or revoke the scholarship from the recipient at any time. I have read all rules and regulations for the J.A.S. Scholarship and understand that if I failed to submit or complete anything that is required my application will not be considered.

J.A.S. Scholarship will only apply for the 2024-2025 school year at Shiloh Christian Academy (SCA). This application form must be completed and submitted by the deadline date of June 20th, 2024 for eligibility.

  Apply Here

Scholarship winner 2023-2024

We would like to congratulate Gadhel Serrano for winning 2023-2024 JAS Scholarship!

scholarship Winner 2022-2023

we would like to congradualte Caleb Serrano for winning 2022-2023 JAS Scholarship!

scholarship winner 2021-2022

We would like to congratulate Ariel Quijas for winning 2021-2022 scholarship

Learn More

scholarship winner 2020-2021

We would like to congratulate Ariel Quijas for winning 2020-2021 scholarship.